This is a pic of Marcus Popplers Blaster. Those strange looking rear tires are called Dirt Dogs.
This is a picture of my Blaster.
Does this look farmiliar to you? It was fetured in the June 1999 issue of Dirt Wheels magizine, page 10. This is a picture of my 1998 Blaster with a 1989 TRX 250R motor. The radiator is located behind the front bumper. I call it the "YFS250R."
This is a picture of a Blaster with a 350X motor. By Phillip Moore.
Here is a picture of my recent "trip to Italy."
This is the YFZ400F. It is a 1999 Banshee with a WR400F Motor. The ULTIMATE sport quad. Did you see this one on page 8 of the August 99 Dirt Wheels?
Here is a picture of my dog, Rocko, jumping his '97 Blaster. Sadly he doesn't realize the benifits of a helmet.
Here are a pair of Blaster-Based autoquads. One is a BMW318i, one is a Jaguar XK8.
Here IT is. The 2001 TRX 250R. I've been working on this one for quite a long time and it's FINALLY done. It looks a whole lot better in .bmp form, so if you really want to print out a large copy, I can e-mail you the .bmp file. Quick quiz: what kind of silencer is that? Extra points if you can identify what bike the motor came from.
Here is an ATC 400EX that I made one day when I was bored. The fron end (frame, forks, handlebars, headlight) came from a 2000 XR 400, while the rest of the trike came from a '99 400EX.
This is the rumored TRX 600EX. It uses an XR600 motor with an electric starter off an XR650L.
Here's a picture of my Blaster after I followed a 400EX 2.2miles down a fire road. Needless to say it was a bit dusty.
Please submit any pictures you would like to see here. They can be in any format, except .art Thank you.